Free Trial Version
The free trial runs for 30 days and allows you to evaluate the CDP Studio and experience how easy it is to develop control systems.
The trial version is the fully featured, except for:
- Applications created with a CDP Studio trial version will only run for 1 hour. It is possible to restart the application.
- CDP Studio add-ons cannot be installed in trial mode.
- Connect to a running system without having the source project is not available (Service engineer role).
It is not permitted to use CDP Studio in trial mode for any commercial purpose and applications created by a CDP Studio with a trial license cannot be licensed or used for any commercial purpose.
Non-commercial Licenses
CDP Studio and Framework is free for home users and educational institutions (universities) for non-commercial projects.
It is not permitted to use CDP Studio or applications created by a CDP Studio with a non-commercial license for any commercial purpose.
CDP Studio – non-commercial license
The non-commercial CDP Studio license gives you access to the IDE features allowing you to create application with the CDP Framework features and functions.
CDP Studio addons are modules that provides additional functionality and have individual licenses. Some CDP addons may not be available under a non-commercial license.
See below how to request a free CDP Studio license.
CDP Applications – Non-commercial License
Applications you create with CDP Studio requires a runtime license if the application is required to run for more than 1 hour. Unlicensed it will run for 1 hour and when restarted the application will run for another hour.
If your project is not required to run for more than 1 hour, you do not need to request a runtime license for the application.
To overcome the 1-hour limitation, you need to ask for a runtime license. See below how to request CDP Runtime licenses. To receive free non-commercial runtime licenses, you need to provide a link to a public repository (e.g. GitHub or similar) where the project is uploaded and a short description of what the project is about.
See below how to request a free runtime license.
Commercial Licenses
Commercial CDP licenses are required to use CDP Studio, CDP Framework, CDP addons and run CDP applications in any commercial setting or for any commercial use and for all companies.
There are different commercial models. Visit for updated information on license models and pricing.
Requesting and Applying a CDP Studio License
Section 3 Requesting a CDP Studio license To obtain a non-commercial CDP Studio license, please contact CDP Technologies AS on stating if the purpose is non-commercial and personal or educational. You can do that by opening the License Manager from the Help menu and clicking on the link as shown below. To obtain a commercial CDP Studio license, please contact CDP Technologies AS via our web pages or by the procedure above and stating that you wish a commercial license. A company representative will then contact you.
Section 3 Applying a CDP Studio license When the CDP Studio license has been granted, it is sent to you by e-mail or to your companies contact person.
Enter the license key you received and click the License button . Make sure you have active web connection. You will get a notification and receive an e-mail confirming that you have successfully licensed CDP Studio.
Once you have CDP Studio licensed you will be able to request licenses for all other features.
Requesting and Applying Runtime Licenses
All commercial applications and applications that need to run for more than 1-hour require a runtime license. Unlicensed CDP Applications are limited to 1-hour runtime and can only be used for testing or for non-commercial use.
To license an application, go to Configure mode and click on a system project in Project tree . In Applications table you will find a License button for each application.
When clicking the License button the application will be licensed if there are available licenses on your account.
If there are no runtime licenses available on your/company account, a license request is sent to us and you will then be contacted.
If the button is disabled, CDP Studio is still in trial mode.
Keep in mind that the licenses are tied to the selected device and its MAC address, meaning once you select a different device you need another license. It is also possible to prelicense an application without having a device at hand. For this you need to build it with correct toolkit, select LocalPC, specify the deploy directory and click the License button. You will then be asked a MAC address of a device where you want to run the application.
Note: CDP runtime licenses are perpetual and locked to the target hardware it runs on. This means that for each CDP application that you wish to remove the one-hour running limit, you will need one CDP Core license and one license for each licensed feature you use. Typically, an unlicensed application is used for testing purposes, and then the licenses are acquired once the application is being deployed to the final target hardware of the system.
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us at
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