rev Ocean
All-electric control solutions
REV Ocean is a unique exploration and research vessel, dedicated to find solutions to environmental challenges. Its main task is to investigate the entire marine ecosystem.

The research equipment includes premium, all electric, green technologies; a complete package of winches for fishery and scientific purposes, deck cranes, overboard systems including A-frames and Launch and Recovery Systems (LARS).
Industrial Control Design AS has developed the control system for the scientific system, all based on CDP Studio.
The use of CDP Studio enabled efficient development of the control systems by reusing a library of pre-made and tested software components and making vessel specific adaptations and configurations. This ensures time and cost-efficient development and testing of the control systems.
Green, cost-efficient and reliable solutions
CDP studio has delieved control systems for a heave compensated Lars, a range of scientific and fishing winches and cranes on board of REV Ocean. Although the systems are unique to REV Ocean, the control system is built by already developed functional modules (high level building blocks) that are tested, and version controlled together with some custom functions. In this way, a unique solution benefit from standardization, thereby achieving cost reduction, faster project execution and a reliable system.
The all-electric solution supports REV environmental and green vision.
Talk to us
Do you wonder how CDP Studio can be used in your products or solutions?
Book a demo with one of our team.