Hardware – Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Introduction
CDP Studio enables you to create systems that can run on a Raspberry Pi. CDP Studio also supports a number of the industrial version that is built on the Raspberry Pi compute module and have their own I/O modules, e.g. Revolution Pi and the Brainbox.
Raspberry Pi’s are ideal for home projects, for some commercial applications and as reasonable priced controllers in test environments.
See the dedicated help pages for the industrial versions, CDP Studio web pages or the hardware providers web pages for further information on industrial versions. All the standard Raspberry Pi models are supported.
There is some specific setup that has to be done on the Raspberry Pi to get CDP Studio applications to run.
- The Raspberry Pi operating system must be on the SD card. See the Raspberry Pi Org documentation
- Enable SSH. If you have a screen connected:
- Enter "sudo raspi-config" in the terminal
- Select Interfacing Options
- Navigate to ssh
- Press Enter
- Select Enable ssh server
For headless setup:
- SSH can be enabled by placing an empty file named "ssh", without any extension in the boot partition from another computer
- Rsync is normally installed with Raspberry Pi OS. If it is not installed, type "sudo apt-get install rsync" in the terminal window.
- Realtime permissions must be allowed. Please refer to Linux Realtime Configuration page for more information.
To build systems for a Raspberry Pi you need to have the latest Raspberry Pi toolkit installed. If you did not select the Raspberry Pi toolkit when you installed CDP Studio, then follow the steps to install the toolchain:
- In CDP Studio Help menu (menu bar) click on Package Manager
- Select Add or remove CDP versions and click Next
- Select the Raspberry Pi toolkit and click on Next and then on Update
Using the Raspberry Pi in Projects
CDP Studio comes with the I2C and GPIO protocols and these can be used directly in any Raspberry Pi project. The Sense HAT is supported and pre-configured components are available for
CDP Studio also supports an AD1115 (analog / digital) converter. This can be used together with the PMW operator to drive electrical motors.
See I2C I/O Manual for how to use the Sense HAT components and the AD1115 converter.
The GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) is used to set or read a pin on an integrated circuit or computer board. GPIOPinIO Example demonstrates how to use the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi.
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