Translator Namespace
class | TranslatorBase |
class | TranslatorChannel |
class | TranslatorChannelBase |
class | TranslatorChannelGroup |
class | ValueMap |
class | ValueMapBase |
class | ValueMapper |
class TranslatorBase
Translator abstract class. Derived classes have to implement Translate() for ostream (for compose) and/or for istream (for parse). Derived classes can override MimeType() to inform translator users (IOServers) about MIME type that the class is generating or parsing. More...
class TranslatorChannel
The TranslatorChannel<T> class is inherited from TranslatorChannelBase class. TranslatorChannel composes ICDPChannel pointer and can be used for threadsafe and valuemapped channel value access in Translators. During construction overrides given ICDPChannel internal data pointer (syncValue). More...
class TranslatorChannelBase
Type-less base class for TranslatorChannel<T>. Defines virtual functions to be implemented in derived (typed) classes for setting and getting channel synced values. More...
class TranslatorChannelGroup
TranslatorChannelGroup abstract class represents TranslatorChannel channel-tree used by Translators for translating channel values to/from streams. Eash TranslatorChannelGroup is actually a subtree by holding: a) vector of TranslatorChannels and b) vector of subrees (TranslatorChannelGroups) Inherited class must implement OwnerName() and GetDebugLevel(). More...
class ValueMap
Holds ChannelValue <-> StreamValue valuemap property pair. More...
class ValueMapBase
Type-less base class for ValueMap<T>. More...
class ValueMapper
ValueMapper class instance is used for thread-safe and fast valuemap access in Translators. Uses templated class ValueMapperType<T> to actually implement maps and code for every CDP Channel type. ValueMapper will be created based on ValueMap vector reference using Update(vector<ValueMapBase*>) method. More...
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