Hardware - Weidmüller I/O Modules
Weidmüller I/O Modules
Weidmüller provides stackable Input/Output modules for the UR20-FBC-MOD bus coupler. These I/O modules are interchangeable between bus couplers in the UR20 product range. For more information about the details of each specific Weidmüller I/O module, please consult the Weidmüller website, and do a search for the specific module.
CDP Studio ModbusIO supports most of the UR20 analog and digital modules for the UR20-FBC-MOD. To see which specific modules are supported by CDP Studio, add a Weidmueller-UR20-FBC-MOD-TCP from the ModbusIO Resource tree. Select the IO packet and observe in the WeidmuellerIOModules resource to see which modules are supported.
The UR20-FBC-MOD bus coupler has a default IP Address of (when it does not get an IP address from DHCP). The bus coupler reads analog and digital values from modbus address 0x0 and writes analog and digital values to modbus address 0x800 (in the order the modules are stacked on the bus).
Note: See the Weidmüller UR20 Modbus TCP documentation for more information about which modbus addresses can be accessed, how to set IP Address and so on.
The Weidmueller-UR20-FBC-MOD-TCP is set up with a Modbus packet that has the correct read and write address for read and write modbus communication with the UR20, along with other settings required for correct modbus communication. If required, additional modbus packets can be added from the WeidmuellerIOModules resources. For instance, a watchdog initialization packet can be sent on Init (SendMode for the Packet is set to Init to only send it once on initialization). The UR20 manual explains the special modbus-addresses and what can be read from and written to them.
The Weidmüller UR20 runs a web-interface on http port 80. It can be used to inspect the I/Os and to set substitute values on communication failure etc.
Note: Whenever modules are changed, added or removed, make sure to power-cycle the bus coupler, or the internal data-image might not be updated.
Note: Make sure to set the FunctionCode correctly, or there will be communication problems.
Note: In CDP Studio, I/O numbering start at 0, meaning that the first channel has the number 0.
See also Modbus I/O Channel scaling and Watchdog.
Note: For more information about CDP Technologies partnerships, see Our Partners and for detailed information on Weidmüller, see the Weidmüller website for more information.
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