URLRequests are Requests that allows to send and retrieve data from a URL (Uniform Resource Locator, sometimes also referred as a web address).
All URLRequests share common properties with other Requests, but have the following specific configuration properties:
Property | Description |
URL<string> | URL to send the request to. Can be prefixed by protocol (like http:// or file://). If not prefixed, corresponding protocol is prefixed automatically. Note: URL property will be processed by FormatTranslator before send, so you can send any request channel value in here, that can be useful for sending channel values as part of URL (note that values can also be ValueMap translated to any string). |
Protocol<string> | Network protocol to use for communication. There are dedicated URLRequests for every protocol CDP is supporting like HTTPRequest for HTTP protocol, FTPRequest for FTP protocol etc. |
Method | Request method to use. Method is basically a command that is sent together with request. Method specifies to the remote server what to do with this request. Common methods that are supported by almost all requests are GET for querying (receiving) data and PUT for submitting (sending) data. |
Interface<string> | Specific interface name (like ETH0, from Application configuration) to be used for request. Useful in multi-interface setup to determine the network device to use for request. Can be left unspecified - then system default network interface will be used. Note: Not used by FILE requests. |
UserPwd<string> | Login details for password protected URL-s. String in format [user name]:[password]. Note: Not used by FILE and TFTP requests. |
Encryption | Request connection TLS encryption. Choose between options:
Note: Not used by FILE, TFTP, SCP and SFTP requests. |
TLSCACertFile<string> | Remote host (URL) certificate issuer (CA) file name, that should contain one or multiple certificates to verify the URL host with. When left empty, then the common public CA bundle from the operating system (OS) will be used for verification. Note, that OS common public CA bundle should be kept up-to-date by updating OS regularly. Note: Not used by FILE, TFTP, SCP and SFTP requests. |
TLSClientCertFile<string> | Client authentication certificate file name (for TLS client authentication). Note: Not used by FILE, TFTP, SCP and SFTP requests. |
TLSClientKeyFile<string> | Client authentication key file name (for TLS client authentication). Note: Not used by FILE, TFTP, SCP and SFTP requests. |
TLSClientKeyPwd<string> | Pass phrase for client authentication key file. Note: Not used by FILE, TFTP, SCP and SFTP requests. |
TLSAllowVerificationErrors | Disable some remote host TLS certificate verifications. Choose between options:
Note: Not used by FILE, TFTP, SCP and SFTP requests. |
Many URLRequests can also contain sub-requests elements.
URLRequests state can be observed via these read-only properties:
Property | Description |
LastRequestTime | Time stamp of the last request sent |
LastStatusCode | Protocol specific status code the request received by the last response. For example, for HTTPRequest status code 200 means successful request. |
LastModifiedTime | URL Last-Modified time stamp received by the last response (only if supported by protocol and remote server). Some protocols (like HTTP) allow to retrieve Last-Modified time allowing requester to inspect the exact time stamp the content of URL was actually last modified. |
Following URLRequests are available:
- HTTPRequest - to invoke web requests (for example REST) on any remote HTTP(S) server
- FILERequest - to access (read or write) any file on CDP controller
- FTPRequest - to access (get or put/append) files to/from FTP(S) server
- TFTPRequest - to access (get or put) files to/from TFTP server
- SCPRequest and SFTPRequest - to access (get or put) files via SSH (using SCP or SFTP protocol)
- SMTPRequest - to send e-mails via SMTP(S) mail server
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