How to Analyze a System
A very useful feature of CDP Studio is the possibility to inspect all the values of the running system, in real-time. Even more, you can visualize the values and plot them as a graph. This is very useful when testing, analyzing, tuning and searching for possible issues in a system.
Another very useful feature is that you can override the live system and alter values for testing or tuning the system. The values can be changed in the Block Diagram side panel, the Watch list or in the Table Editor.
Inspect the Running System
Once the system is running and connected, you can observe all values in real time in Configure mode.
In the Block Diagram the real-time values are shown next to the input variable of the component as well as in the side panel. The MyComponent2 is selected and seen in the side panel in the example below. The same information is also available in the Table Editor. The live values will be shown for the component that you select in the Project tree.
Alarms and Events
The CDP Studio has two special output panes for alarms and events:
- The Alarms pane shows all active alarms in the system and allows acknowledging them by double-clicking on the alarm. Alarms typically indicate problems in the application, such as no contact with an I/O device, a low value of a process variable or similar.
- The Event History pane shows the history of events that have occurred in the running application. This includes application boot and alarm events (emitted when an alarm is set, cleared or acknowledged).
Analyze the System
CDPStudio Analyze mode lets you visualize the signals and other values in your system.
- Open Configure mode, navigate to and select the component that has the values you want to plot
- In the Block Diagram side panel or in the Table Editor, right click on the signal or property name
- Select "Add to Plot..." -> "Tab" -> "Untitled" from the context menu.
- Go to Analyze mode
The graph shows the output from the pre-made sine component and the rectified sine wave created by the component described in the How to Create a Library. For details regarding Analyze mode, see Analyze Mode Manual.
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